Tag: Moscow Fascist allies in the west

Putin’s Nazi, far right, ultra-national, fascist brothers in the west
Միջազգային, պատերազմ Ուկրաինայում, Վերլուծական, Քաղաքական

Putin’s Nazi, far right, ultra-national, fascist brothers in the west

When Vladimir Putin decided to invade a sovereign country, disregarding all international, legal and moral laws, violating them, he used three main justifications -That When the Soviet union decided to declare its end and dismantle, (despite the fact that it dismantled as a result of crumbling - unable to carry on) , the west gave it assurance and promised not to approach its borders, not to expand, but within time it expanded one expansion after another, and eastern countries  who were once part of the Warsaw pact headed by the Soviet Union, joined the Nato, and now  Ukraine has not accepted to give guarantees that it will not join The NATO pact -That there is a Russian minority living in Ukraine, (22% of Ukraine citizens are Russian and they are concentrated in certain areas in Ukr...