National Democratic Alliance Proved tenacity – resilience – Peter Manoukian

National Democratic Axis Proved its rare metal and resilience

National Movement once again remerged and rejuvenated, holding the torches of a National state

The National Movement, led by the National Democratic Alliance, like all movements throughout history, during their struggle and campaigns, most and probably all have their ups and downs

It is true, during the end of the year 2021; the movement had seemed at its peak inside the capital Yerevan, with its organized rallies, it is true that most of the media, specially the mass media, the press, the Television stations, most of them chose to ignore and not cast light on this young emerging force on the rise, its rallies and news were not covered, it seemed to many that this media strategy would not affect the movement momentum, because as hard as the media would try to ignore and not cover the activities of the National Democrat Axis (NDA), a movement that was marching in full impressive rallies would have been notices and seen by the natural eye of the citizens inside the center of the capital and its news would have been spread nationwide in a short time

Yet the movement, in the year 2022, received several heavy blows, the most painful must have been that seven of its members, among them the famous intellectual and charismatic member and member of movement leadership Varoujan Avedissian, they were arrested

Armnenian National Movement
Armnenian National Movement

At some point the movement growth was stopped, maybe the movement fell in the trap of rising their political speech ceiling much too high, and failed to find any allies, it could have been that the movement overestimated its momentum, after its numbers stopped rising at a certain point, some of its regular rally attendees stopped from appearing constantly, there are theories that the movement promised too much and the members were over enthusiastic, and when those expectations were not fulfilled they felt a disappointment, the number of attendees started to decrease

In addition, some of its leaders created confusion by suddenly pulling out, others who were formerly supporters of the movement made negative statements and accusations towards the council of the NDA (Leadership)

At some point, it seemed that the movement will lose its course and momentum and gradually subjected to oblivion

Yet, the movement survived, at this phase the movement proved it’s rare metal, because at worst case situations, above 1000 members stood by the movement with tenacity and resilience, they kept believing in the movement ideas and national vision, above 1000 members insisted to keep believing, dreaming, dedicating, devoting

And today, I saw the movement, refreshed, rejuvenated, reemerged, I saw that the movement has regained its dynamism, momentum, energized, and today, the movement proved that it is not a movement that may end with a few blows, the movement has enough immunity and resilience to absorb them and get back on course

Now part of the movement strength is its flexibility, it does not dictate a dogma of ideology, people from the left as socialists and even far right as nationalists nurture the movement with their efforts and commitment, the movement is based on national values, true that it is not a party with a political social economical ideology, those who believe in a liberal free market economy or democratic socialism can contribute, the movement core values are based on national aspirations, sovereignty, national statehood, national pride and values

In the end, I think that the National Movement has survived tough rounds and now it should be on the right path and course of advancement

Peter Manoukian
A Democratic Socialist and a believer of the National Democratic Alliance National Project

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