Armenia is under attack by Russian-Turkish joint occupational forces

We all know that the political leaderships of all post-Soviet countries have been primarily dominated by corrupt Russian puppets, sometimes, outright criminals.

Ukraine was not an exception. And still is not, according to many Western analysts and media reports (see Washington Post’s recent articles, for example)

So, no questions about the leadership. But we see some Ukrainian experts or opinion makers, claiming to be “fighting on behalf of civilized world against the crazy aggressors and tyrannies, and openly supporting Erdogan’s or Aliev’s crazy talk, we are just confused, to say the least.

Confused and disappointed. It’s either a shameless hypocrisy or a complete lack of understanding of the fundamental principles of the values in the civilized world.

When you support or share Aliev’s murderous claims and enjoy the killings, deportations and ethnical cleansing of Armenians in their legitimate, rightful and historical towns and villages, you become just another Dugin or Solovev.

I suggest you read 10-15 minutes before voicing any opinion about Russian-Turkish occupation of Artsakh or attacks on Armenia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Just 10-15 minutes of reading would be enough!

Dear Ukrainian friends, don’t be like Dugin, be informed, civilized and fair! Armenia is under attack by Russian-Turkish joint occupational forces. Exactly like you were in 2014-2015. You lost a lot, now are fighting to recover. We will recover too. Very soon.


Davit S. Davtyan